Lettre Ulysses Award for the art of reportage

Shortlist | Authors 2004

The authors and their books

The shortlist of the authors and their works chosen for the Lettre Ulysses Award for the Art of Reportage 2004 (ordered alphabetically):


Daniel Bergner

Soldiers of Light

Allen Lane/Penguin, London 2004. English
(published 2003 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, under the title In the Land of Magic Soldiers. A Story of White and Black in West Africa)


Howard W. French

A Continent for the Taking. The Tragedy and Hope of Africa

Random House, New York 2003. English


Chen Guidi & Wu Chuntao

A Survey of Chinese Peasants

People's Literature Publication Company, Beijing 2003, Chinese


Jean Hatzfeld

Une saison de machettes

Le Seuil, Paris 2003. French


Tracy Kidder

Mountains Beyond Mountains. The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World

Random House, New York 2003. English


William Langewiesche

American Ground. Unbuilding the World Trade Center

North Point Press/Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York 2002. English


Paulo Moura

A Baby and a Passport to Heaven
& Missnana. The Light Sleep of Death

Pública, magazine of the daily Público, Lisbon August & November 2003. Portuguese

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"I think we live in such a banality of horrors, horrors surround us, so a real reportage is a kind of break through this banality. When we speak about any situation, be it Chechnya or something else, we speak not only about this concrete situation but also about something of our deeper human nature."Svetlana Alexievitch (jury member 2003, 2004 & 2005)