Lettre Ulysses Award for the art of reportage

DVD Lettre Ulysses Award 2005

A DVD is available, of approx. 174 minutes, which includes a ninety minute documentary film of the 2005 Lettre Ulysses Award prize ceremony. The event was moderated by the South African writer Breyten Breytenbach and featured a keynote speech by Sven Lindqvist. This speech along with interviews with him, Carolin Emcke, Abdellah Hammoudi, Suketu Mehta, Anne Nivat, Ricardo Uceda, and other members of  the jury, authors and organisers are also included on the DVD.
This can be obtained for a nominal fee of EUR 10, plus postage, via award@lettre.de,
or +49 (0)30 280 499 853.

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"I think we live in such a banality of horrors, horrors surround us, so a real reportage is a kind of break through this banality. When we speak about any situation, be it Chechnya or something else, we speak not only about this concrete situation but also about something of our deeper human nature."Svetlana Alexievitch (jury member 2003, 2004 & 2005)