Lettre Ulysses Award for the art of reportage

Longlist | Authors 2006

The texts of the 2006 longlist in alphabetical order (author, country of origin, title, publisher, first place and date of publication, translated title):

Karl-Markus Gauß
, Austria: Die Hundeesser von Svinia, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna, 2005 [The Dog Eaters of Svinia]

Linda Grant, Great Britain: The People on the Street. A Writer’s View of Israel, Virago Press, London, 2006

Jeanette Erazo Heufelder, Germany: Der Smaragdkönig. Victor Carranza und das grüne Gold der Anden, Piper Malik, Munich, 2005 [The Emerald Czar. Victor Carranza and the Green Gold of the Andes]

Igor Klekh, Russia: The Deurbanization of Lvov (Gorodskaya Zebra Magazine, Moscow, May 2004) & A Week in Kishinev (GEO Magazine, Moscow, July 2004), part of a series of texts on the decline of post-Soviet cities.

Juanita Léon, Colombia: País de plomo. Crónicas de guerra, Aguilar, 2005 [Country of Bullets. War Diaries]

Li Datong, China: The Story of “Freezing Point”, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2005

Taís Morais & Eumano Silva, Brazil: Operação Araguaia: os arquivos secretos da Guerrilha, Geração Editorial, São Paulo, 2005 [Operation Araguaia. The Secret Archives of a Guerrilla War]

Erik Orsenna, France: Voyage aux pays du coton. Petit précis de mondialisation, Fayard, Paris, 2006 [Journey to the Lands of Cotton. A Brief Manual of Globalisation]

Georg Packer, USA: The Assassins’ Gate. America in Iraq, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, 2005 (in the UK Faber & Faber, 2006)

Youssef Rakha, Egypt: Beirut shi mahal: an Egyptian in Lebanon, Amkenah Magazine, Cairo, 2005

Mishi Saran, India: Chasing the Monk’s Shadow: A Journey in the Footsteps of Xuanzang, Penguin India, New Delhi, 2005

Samuel Shimon, Iraq: An Iraqi in Paris, Banipal Books, London, 2005

Ece Temelkuran, Turkey: We are Making a Revolution Here, Signorita, Everest Yay., Istanbul, 2006

Manjushree Thapa, Nepal: Forget Kathmandu: An Elegy for Democracy, Penguin Viking India, New Delhi, 2005

Yaroslav Trofimov, Ukraine: Faith at War. A Journey on the Frontlines of Islam, from Baghdad to Timbuktu, Henry Holt, New York, 2005

Sun Shuyun, China: The Long March, HarperPress, London, 2006

Peter Vail, Russia: Genius loci, Colibri Publishers, Moscow, 2006

Diana Washington Valdez, Mexico/USA: Cosecha de mujeres. Safari en el desierto mexicano, Oceano, 2005 [Harvest of Woman. Safari in the Mexican Desert]

Zhou Qing, China: 'What Kind of God'. A Survey of the Current Safety of China's Food, Reportage Literature, 09/2004


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"Literary reporters should represent reality in such a way that its complexity, heterogeneity and palimpsest-like structure become clear."Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs (jury member 2004)